Mindful Photography
a contemplative and creative practice
"Mindful photography is both a contemplative and a creative practice focused on awakening our natural gifts of perception that are available every moment. Technical expertise is not the aim. For most people, an ordinary cell phone is their constant companion so it can be the perfect ally to remind us to discover mindful moments in everyday life.
I began to share this practice at the beginning of the global pandemic to help ease people's experience of isolation and loss. In our community circle we share our images and experiences. Mindful photography offers an opportunity to learn how to relax our restless minds, come home to our senses and enjoy being present for the ordinary magic in our world. For more about me see below." Hollye Hurst
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"The experience of beauty is what reality looks like." Rupert Spira
About Mindful Photography
Mindful or contemplative photography is both a meditative and a creative practice. As a meditative practice, we focus on the cultivation of attention and awareness of our experience in the present moment. As a creative practice, we're using a camera to express and share our experience of communion with the phenomenal world, just as it is, in this moment.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.” Dorothea Lange
This contemplative and creative practice is rooted in the dharma art teachings of scholar, artist and meditation master Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche who authored scores of books, founded Naropa University and over 100 meditation centers worldwide. Trungpa's dharma art practice included film, photography, theater, dance, poetry and calligraphy.
"It's possible to go beyond personal interpretation, to let vastness into our hearts through the medium of perception." Chogyam Trungpa
"Some come before reality tenderly…a photograph to them is an instrument of love and revelation.” Ansel Adams
About Hollye Hurst
Hollye Hurst has offered workshops and talks on mindful photography and shown her work in various venues such as the San Francisco Zen Conference and Retreat Center, Pacific Cultural Center, Ocean Gate Zen and Agents of Change. She has studied photography at Harvard University, The International Center of Photography, The Society of Contemplative Photography and The Miksang Institute.
After studying film and sociology and working as a journalist, Hollye completed a doctorate in East West Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies (1995). She has worked as a psychotherapist and served as psychology faculty at the University of North Carolina and John F. Kennedy University in California. For over three decades, Hollye has studied directly with many Buddhist and Advaita Vedanta teachers including Pema Chodron, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jack Kornfield and Rupert Spira. She lives in Santa Cruz, California with her shelties Bodhi and Spice. More about Hollye and her work: Hollye Hurst.Thank you for your comments
"Your inspiring and clear teaching has supported me in integrating my mindfulness practice into daily life and in feeling more connected to the world everyday. Thank you!”
"Thank you for introducing this dharma art practice to me. It's offered me a way to take my meditation practice into the world, off the cushion, so to speak. And now I’m so much more awake to the beauty of living in this world.”
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Creating images with Hollye (right).
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Calligraphy by Thich Nhat Hanh